
你也可以是天使2 在线播放 - [第20集] - 第20集
主演 郑惠玉 / 向云 / 林慧玲 / 王禄江 / 徐彬 / 馮偉衷 / 黃思恬
类型 剧情 / 家庭
地区 新加坡
上映时间 2016-11-01(新加坡)
别名 You Can Be An Angel 2
评分 暂无
剧情介绍    This story continues to follow the life of a group of nurses as they take on their challenging routines with professionalism and pride. Wang Ruo Jun (Zoe Tay) found out about her stage 2 breast cancer. Her battle with cancer was not easy and her husband Huang Yi Qiang (Zheng Ge Ping) eventually gave up and left her. Fortunately for her, Ah Mu (Thomas Ong) enters her life with the care and concern she needed. Xie Yao Zong (Bryan Wong) and Guan Xin Ni (Rebecca Lim) are married and have a son. Their young son dies of an accident, leaving the couple devastated. Xuan Ni blames Yao Zhong for negligence and wants a divorce. New Lawyer Jin Siyan (Carrie Wong) is wounded by a mad man and nearly lost her life. After she is being discharged from the hospital, she decides to change her career path to be a nurse. She then gets into a complicated love triangle with fellow nurses Li Long Hua (Aloysius Pang) and Fu Jia Ren (Xu Bin). 这个故事继续上一系列的故事,同样讲述着一群护士的故事。这些专业人士敬业与乐业,以热诚的态度对待每一天的挑战。王若君(郑惠玉)被诊断出有第二期乳癌,雪上加霜的是,丈夫黄毅强(郑各评)竟然因为不能承受沉重的负担而离开了她。这时,一个自称是阿木(王沺裁)的男人进入了若君的生活,给予她许多的关怀与鼓励。谢耀宗(王禄江)与关馨霓(林慧玲)终于结为夫妇,有了一个可爱的孩子。但不幸的是,儿子意外身亡,令夫妇俩痛苦不已。馨霓迁怒于耀宗,向他提出离婚!新进律师金思彦(黄思恬)遭疯男袭击,差点丧命。思彦康复出院后,决定改换跑道,加入护理行业。不料,刚入行的她与同事李龙华(冯伟衷)与傅家任(徐彬)发生了复杂的三角恋。。。@HD一条街查看更多
集数 20集已完结
1. 资源名称中含HD为高清,BD为蓝光
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